Vanessa Gorman, Ann Tschetter, Angela Bolen, & Anthony Foreman
Strategic Departmental Funding Fund: $60,000
Project Title: Reimagining Pedagogy for Student Success in Freshman History Classes

Kenneth A. Kiewra
Developmental and Learning Sciences
Pedagogic Intervention: $1,000
Project Title: Exploring Talent in the Wisdom Years

Bethany Sanio
Modern Languages & Literatures
Pedagogic Intervention: $1,000
Project Title: Planting Seeds for Experiential Leaning in DMLL

Witawas Srisa-an, Suzette Person, & Motassem Al-Taraz
Computer Science/ School of Computing
Strategic Departmental Funding Fund: $60,000
Project Title: Retaining Computing Students through Holistic Redesign of the First-Year Courses

Yalem Teshome
Professor of Practice
College of Agricultural and Natural Resources
Pedagogic Intervention: $1,000
Project Title: AGRI 496 – Learning Through Service

Laura Madeline Wiseman
Business and Technical Communication
Pedagogic Intervention: $1,000
Project Title: Real-World Hands-on Activities from the Field: Interviews with Tech Comm Pros II

Taeyeon Kim
Assistant Professor
Education Administration
Incubation Fund: $1,000
Project Title: A Pedagogy of Discomfort toward Critical Hope: Emotional Journal Writing in Leadership Learning

Emily Kazyak
Assistant Professor
Pedagogic Intervention: $1,000
Project Title: The Role of Ungrading in Promoting Experiential Learning

Jiong Hu & Logan Perry
Pedagogic Intervention: $1,000
Project Title: Experiential Learning Facilitated with Inquiry-Based Activities in A Civil Engineering Laboratory Course to Promote Student Problem-Solving Ability

Congrui Grace Jin
Assistant Professor
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Pedagogic Intervention: $1,000
Project Title: A Project-Based Approach to Teaching Senior Undergraduates in Civil Engineering

William Shomos
Glenn Korff School of Music
Pedagogic Intervention: $960
Project Title: Side by side: Commingling Mentors and Voice Students through Experiential Learning