McKinzie Sutter
Acronomy & Horticulture
Pedagogic Intervention: $750
Project Title: Collaborative Note-Taking in an Introductory Online Plant Systems Course

Leslie Rault
Assistant Professor
Pedagogic Intervention
Project Title: Entomology beyond field work: Providing hands-on molecular technique experience to aspiring entomologists
Susan VanderPlas & Tyler Wiederich
Assistant Professor, PhD student
Pedagogic Intervention
Project Title: Experiential Learning in Statistical Graphics, Experimental Design, and Science Communication

Stuart Bernstein & Emily Fitzpatrick
Associate Professor & Engineering student
Student - Faculty Collaboration
Project Title: Enhancement of Curriculum in Non-Technical Freshman Engineering Courses

Bryan Ming Wang
Associate Professor
Journalism & Mass Communications
Pedagogic Intervention: $1,000
Project Title: Gathering Industry Insights from Data Scientists to Enrich Experiential Learning for a Social Media Data Mining Course

Didier Mena Aguilar
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pedagogic Intervention
Project Title: Interdisciplinary approach for the development of a precourse for BIOC431

Matthew Miller
Assistant Professor
Incubation Fund
Project Title: Computation design for existing structures: Beyond the rain-screen façade

Lise Pingault
Senior Research Associate
Student - Faculty Collaboration
Project Title: Identify plant defense mechanisms in response to insect pests feeding through experiential learning.

Charles Murrieta & Erin Bauer
Forensic Science, CASNR
Pedagogic Intervention: $1,000
Project title: Immersive Forensic Training Using Virtual Reality

Tefjol Pllaha
Post-Doc Research Associate
Pedagogic Intervention
Project Title: Visualisation of Abstract Concepts via Real-World Applications

Justin Olmanson
Associate Professor
Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education
Incubation Fund
Project Title: Cody: An Intelligent Agent Supporting Computer Science Education and Creative Coding

Colleen Kadleck
Associate Professor
School of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Pedagogic Intervention
Project Title: Preparing First Responders: The Effects of the Hearing Distressing Voices Simulation on Mental Health Attitudes

Sonya Grace Turkman
Assistant Professor
Pedagogic Intervention
Project Title: Homeward Bound: Preserving Lincoln’s Old City Hall

Chelsea Witt
Assistant Professor of Practice
Incubation Fund
Project Title: Changing perspectives: Covid 19s impact on student mindset