
The Center for Transformative Teaching and its partners hold a variety of workshops and events ranging from those customized for specific colleges and departments to university-wide events such as the Fall Teaching and Learning Symposia.

We have changed how we manage registration. Beginning this fall, participants may register for all workshops of interest on a single page. To modify their registrations, participants use the link in their confirmation email. We believe this will make it easier for instructors to schedule, choose, and manage their registrations. 

Jump to programming focused on international student success or AI in teaching and learning. Recorded sessions from Fall 2024 are available on this archive page.

Build Inclusion Through Digital Accessibility

Take advantage of tutorial workshops and practice sessions

Supporting International Student Success Series

All sessions run from 12:30 to 1:30. 

  • FEB 6 | Helping International Students Transition to US Academic Culture (Summary Handout)
  • MAR 6 | Engaging International Students in the Classroom
  • APR 3 | International Student Perspectives on AI and Academic Integrity
  • MAY 1 | Advising and Mentoring International Graduate Students
Herbie Husker with students and country flags

Learning Communities

Learning communities offer participants a chance to take a deep dive into a topic by offering a collaborative space to explore and discuss ideas, share experiences, and develop practical strategies for implementation. 

Teaching with AI Skillshare

The AI Skillshare learning community meets on Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Fridays from 12-1 pm through April 25.  See our Learning Communities page for a detailed list of presenters.  To be added to this series and receive emails and the meeting zoom link, please contact Sydney Brown at 

Inclusive Teaching 

In this learning community, participants will read and discuss Hogan & Sathy’s book “Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom”. The emphasis will be on practical ways that instructors can adjust their courses to promote the success of all students. The book covers aspects of course design such as syllabus language & course policies, classroom activities & interactions, assessment design, and group work. 

The Inclusive Teaching learning community will start on February 6th and will then meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 2-3 pm. 

Women around a table smiling after taking part in a game.