Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor Best Practices

What are Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor?

LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment for Canvas Quizzes. When students use Lockdown Browser to access a quiz, they are unable to print, copy, visit other websites, or access other applications. Quizzes with LockDown Browser enabled cannot be accessed with standard browsers.

Monitor integrates with LockDown Browser when you want to have your students monitored using their webcams and microphones during their exams. Monitor uses a student’s webcam to record and analyze student exam sessions. It can require students to show ID, do an Environment Check, and/or facial detection before and during the exam. Exams are taken without advanced scheduling or registration by the student.

Install Respondus Links and Information

Best Practices for LockDown Browser

While it is possible to use LockDown Browser without Monitor, this is not recommended for at-home testing since LockDown alone would have no way to deter a student from referring to items such as phones, second computers, or note sheets during testing.

  • Using LockDown Browser alone would work best in a proctored lab setting. For example, you could
  • have students bring their laptops into class to test and use LockDown Browser, which would ensure that the students would not be able to access other programs or web pages on their computers. You would also be there to proctor and to ensure that students were not using physical note sheets or phones during testing.
  • You must inform your students about how to use LockDown Browser. Students can learn more and download the browser at ITS Services Virtual Proctoring.

Best Practices for Monitor

  • Before enabling Monitor for your exams, consider creating a short, low-stakes, required practice assessment for students to test out the Respondus systems. This will help you identify problems ahead of time. Common issues that may come up include students not having a webcam (required), not owning their computer (administrator privileges are required to install the program), or objecting to downloading the program out of privacy concerns.
  • For any student who is unable to use Monitor, one option is to create a copy of the quiz and disable Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor. You could then shorten the time allotment of their exam to make up for the non-proctored environment. You could also password protect this exam and find a proctor to monitor the student while testing.
  • Monitor proctors the testing environment by way of artificial intelligence. Since there is not an actual person watching each testing session, the integrity of Monitor exams depends on the instructors who use it. After your students are done testing, it is strongly recommended that instructors check AI flags and watch recordings of student testing sessions as needed to verify academic honesty.
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