Yaoling Wang
Instructional Designer (Omaha) College of Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
PKI 206E
Omaha NE 68182-0176 - Phone
Yaoling Wang received her B.S. in Computer Science from Nanjing Normal University in China, and M.S. in Curriculum and Instructional Technology from Iowa State University. She has been working in the area of instructional design and technology for over 15 years in Higher Education. Prior to joining the College of Engineering at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, she worked as an instructional development specialist at Iowa State University, user service consultant and faculty project lab coordinator at Texas State University, and instructional design and development coordinator at Clarkson College. In November 2017, Yaoling joined the College of Engineering at UNL, and has been working as an instructional design and technology specialist since then. She works with faculty and staff members on course design and development for online, face-to-face, and blended learning. She assists instructors in implementing evidence-based practices, developing instructional resources, and adopting innovative instructional technology to enhance teaching and learning.
Support Emphasis
Scott Campus (Omaha)
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- The Durham School of Architectural Engineering & Construction
Publications and Presentations
Wang, Y. & Clark, C. (2022, August). A study of Well-being among College of Engineering Graduate Students Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis MN. https://peer.asee.org/40710
Asgarpoor, J. S., & Wang, Y. (2021, July). Administering an Asynchronous Professional Master’s Degree: Effective Strategies for Design, Delivery, and Engagement Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference. https://peer.asee.org/36654
Hu, J., & Sriraman, V., & Wang, Y. (2012, June), Challenges and Experiences in Teaching a Concrete Problems Diagnosis and Repair Course Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX. https://peer.asee.org/21050
Wang, Y. & Schmit, A. (2007, October), Factors in “Clicker” Implementation: A Vignette from Instructional Designers presented at 2007 Professional and Organizational Development Network (POD Network) in Higher Education Conference, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Heer, R. & Wang, Y. (2007, October), Reconceptualizing Websites for Professional Development as Communities of Practice presented at 2007 Professional and Organizational Development Network (POD Network) in Higher Education Conference, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Hassall, L., Nilakanta, R., Sheppard, M., & Wang, Y. (2005, February), eDoc: Innovation in electronic portfolio design and development Paper presented at Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), Phoenix, Arizona. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/18956/