Fall 2023 Teaching and Learning Symposium: Emerging Pedagogies

Teaching Symposium


Friday, NOVEMBER 17, 2023


The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and the Center for Transformative Teaching are pleased to sponsor the Fall 2023 Teaching and Learning Symposium on Friday, November 17 hosted in-person on East Campus. This full-day event includes a buffet lunch and requires registration

The 2023 Symposium will focus on emerging pedagogies in higher education. Recent developments in technology and in society more broadly have created new patterns of behavior and attitudes in both students and instructors. Phenomena such as Artificial Intelligence and the upsurge in the flow of available data require that we re-consider many of our teaching and learning strategies and methods. Simultaneously, we all face challenges to mental health and well-being that require us to teach and learn in different ways. The symposium will consider these challenges and changes through the direct experience of instructors, staff, and students at UNL. Faculty, Graduate Students, and Staff are all welcome.

Registration and check-in with continental breakfast & coffee.
8:30 - 8:45
Smiling man with tailored blue jacket.


Nick Monk, CTT Director

Smiling woman with auburn hair.

Play in the Classroom

Julia Remsik Larsen (CTT) will run an interactive session on play and its uses in teaching and learning.

Play in the Classroom Slides


Learning Analytics Panel

The panel will feature faculty and staff from UNL who will discuss the ways in which data dashboards now available at UNL can help instructors make pedagogic choices that can help close equity gaps, permit timely interventions, and allow instructors to better understand the needs and composition of their classes. The panel will also reflect on challenges and barriers instructors might face when using data in these ways.

Smiling woman with shoulder length auburn hair.
Smiling woman with blond-gray hair and a bright coral jacket.
Smiling man with short dark hair and wire-frame glasses.
Woman with chin-length blond hair, dark framed glasses.
Smiling man with short salt-and-pepper hair with rectangular glasses.

The panel will include Amy Goodburn (Senior Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean Undergraduate Education), Sydney Brown (Assistant Director, CTT), Chad Brassil (Faculty Director, Undergraduate Data Analytics; Associate Professor of Biological Sciences), Emira Ibrahimpasic, (School of Global Integrative Studies) and Casey Nugent (Director of Student Information Systems).

Quick Start to the Course Insights Performance Equity Dashboard (PDF)




Speed Sessions

Speed Sessions Slides

Kwakiutl Dreher

Kwakiutl Dreher (English): reflection assignments and short quizzes during class

Ana Maria Vélez profile picture

Ana Maria Vélez (Entomology): mindfulness exercises.

Alice Kang profile picture

Alice Kang (Political Science and the Institute for Ethnic Studies): efficacy of reflection assignments.

Charles Murrieta profile picture

Charles Murrieta (Forensic Science): VR forensics project

Becky Haddad profile picture.

Becky Haddad (Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communication): Podcasting Pedagogy – Tune in for Learning Opportunities!

Grace Troupe profile picture.

Grace Troupe (Center for Transformative Teaching): Applying the warm demander framework to your course-an equity practice

Vanessa Gorman profile picture.

Vanessa Gorman (History/Classics): Perusall and primary source documents

Dennis Perkey profile picture.

Dennis Perkey (Nutrition and Health Science): The art of engaging video lectures


Buffet Lunch


College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Fellows - Pedagogy of Empathy

The challenges of recent years have compelled educators to adapt their pedagogies to new modalities and have brought about a heightened awareness of the obstacles and challenges that students face. Conversation about the need for empathetic pedagogy, including affirming student struggle, articulating clear expectations, providing support for individual learner engagement, and defining and explaining the limits of that support, emerged out of data-gathering by the CAS Teaching Academy on issues facing UNL faculty during recent academic years. We will discuss equitable flexibility as well as the need for clearly defined limits. We will also present guiding principles to help in syllabus design. In particular, we will unpack how empathetic pedagogy relates to the issue of class attendance.

Pedagogy of Empathy Slides


Generative A.I. Panel

Generative A.I. has been described as an imminent existential threat not only to higher education but life as we know it. In other quarters A.I. is seen as a unique opportunity to deploy technology to improve the human experience and enhance the understanding of students. The panel will examine both ends of this spectrum and respond to prompts and questions from the audience. The panel will feature a range of opinion and expertise from across UNL and will include Rachael Azima (Writing Program), Justin Olmanson (CEHS), Guy Trainin (CEHS), Tareq Daher (Engineering), Nate Pindell (CTT), and Amanda Gailey (English).

Smiling woman with black hair and a purple blouse
Man with brown hair and beard, glasses, and blue shirt
Man with a broad grin and scarlet button-down shirt.
Smiling man with black wavy hair and light brown eyes.
Smiling young man with a red shirt and brown hair.
Smiling woman with blond hair, blue eyes and a brightly colored scarf.



Introduction to the Breakout Sessions

Smiling young man with a dark beard wearing a tailored gray jacket.

VR Breakout rooms—Steven Cain (CTT)

Take the chance to enter the world of VR! Virtual Reality is an emerging technology in teaching and learning and has the potential to create new and exciting opportunities for experiential learning. In this session, participants can try a few different types of VR experience and learn about some of the most popular educational programs already available. We’ll also challenge you to imagine different contexts in which this technology might allow for new opportunities in your own discipline and classroom.

A buff-colored dog with wavy hair receives a scratch from a student.

Big Red Pawp-Up dog therapy program breakout room – Erin Bauer (Entomology)

Research has shown that exposure to therapy dogs on college campuses reduces student, staff, and faculty stress and anxiety. The mission of the Big Red Pawp-Up Dog therapy program, which is a partnership between the departments of Entomology and Forensic Science, UNL Libraries, and Big Red Resilience and Well-Being, is to provide the opportunity for the UNL community to de-stress through interaction with therapy dogs. We hold monthly Pawp-Ups on both City and East Campus as well as providing dogs at special events. We also will arrange for departmental events by request! We work with a number of different Lincoln dog therapy organizations whose dog teams have been trained and certified to work as therapy dogs. Join us today to learn more about the program and interact with some of our dog teams!



For questions about accessibility or to request reasonable accommodations for this event, please contact Cheryl Griffith at cgriffith3@unl.edu. A minimum of two weeks advance notice will assist us in providing accommodations.