Fully Online

Courses offered online, usually via a learning management system, do not require any in-person attendance. Online delivery may be synchronous or asynchronous.

Canvas Scavenger Hunt

This scavenger hunt is designed to get you thinking about the challenges that students may face when navigating your Canvas course.

Inclusive Online Teaching

The principles of inclusive teaching are particularly essential for online courses because students are more likely to feel less connected with others, less engaged with class content, and less motivated.

Institute for instructors to focus on online teaching

The Center for Transformative Teaching to conduct Institute for Online Teaching starting in May 2022, open to all instructors at the university.

Humanize late policies for better learning

Humanize your teaching by implementing late policies that account for the complexity of students' lives.

Strengthening human connection to improve online learning

A recent study found that the quality of interpersonal interactions was predictive of student grades.

Using Repeated Practice

Learn how repetition can help students master the basics with featured instructor Rebecca Roston.

Welcoming Online Students

Learn the benefits of using a welcome video for an online class to kick-start a great learning partnership.

Small things, big impacts

During the pivot to online in 2020, Professor Roland Vegso prioritized small organizational features that ended up making a big difference for his students.

Having a great first week online

7-23-20 This workshop helped faculty teaching face-to-face/hybrid courses and focused on making the best use of this time to prepare students.

Maintaining Student Motivation and Interest in Online and Hybrid Courses

7-22-20 This webinar taught strategies for assessing student interest and helping students stay motivated online.

Using Zoom to Facilitate a Hybrid Course

7-21-20 This workshop gave detailed instructions on the different settings and functions available in Zoom.

Essentials for Getting Started

7-14-20 Instructors were provided with strategies that have a significant impact on online learning, especially for the first week of classes.

A Guide to Learning Online

This guide is designed to give students best-practices for approaching their fully or partially online courses.

The CTT Guide for Online & Flexible Hybrid Teaching

Welcome to the Center for Transformative Teaching’s guide to getting started with online instruction

We're all "stick-footing" it now

Cal Garbin, John Weaver Professor of Psychology, made a video to express how many may be feeling as teaching moves online.

Active Learning Online: Effective online communication - Muddiest Point

Use the "muddiest point" technique to gain insight to your students' learning and provide targeted instruction.

Active Learning Online: Peer Instruction using Group Exams

Use peer instruction to squeeze extra learning out of your exam by making students take it twice. Once on their own (90%), then again with a team (10%).

Instructional Materials

In an online environment, carefully planned material is how you will keep your students engaged and on task to meet your learning outcomes.

Getting Started

Learn where to start with some basics of an online classroom.

Course Structure and Organization

Learn the basics of Canvas such as organizing lesson plans and communicating with students


To keep your students (and perhaps even yourself) from going adrift, regular and supportive communication is critical in an online course.

Fostering Engagement and Community

In an online course, it is easy for students to feel isolated. They are, in most cases, physically isolated from their peers, so intentional community-building is necessary to help counter feelings of remoteness.

Active Learning Online: Leveraging Zoom Breakout Rooms for Peer Instruction

Think-Pair-Share is an active learning strategy providing students time and structure for thinking about a particular topic.