
Rubrics are grading instruments used to provide student feedback by using specific categories which contain descriptions at different levels of competency.

How to Design Effective Rubrics

Rubrics can be effective assessment tools when constructed using methods that incorporate four main criteria: validity, reliability, fairness, and efficiency.

Introduction to Rubrics

A rubric divides an assessment into smaller parts (criteria) and then provides details for different levels of performance possible for each part.

Strategies for Faculty Efficiency: Grading and Time Management

7-31-20 Participants learned how to decrease time spent on grading such as developing useful rubrics and keeping a list of frequent comments.

Geppert puts Canvas peer review to the test

John Geppert, professor of finance and director of assessment, believes peer review may offer a way to include more writing practice in more courses.

Rethinking your Syllabus: Specifications Grading

In specifications grading there are no points – just a two-level grading structure that would be categorized such as pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory.

Summative Assessment Ideas

Knute Broady Collection: Ideas for summative assessment.