Timely Tools Emails

Email 1: Three weeks prior to the start of the term

Dear [ First Name ]

Although the days are still long and hot, we’ve reached the point in the summer break when we start getting ready for the semester ahead.

I have spent a lot of time talking with the Teaching Academy Fellows and other faculty in the college and it is clear: last year challenged many of us. Students were less engaged and faculty struggled to recapture an active learning environment. In recognition of this challenge, I worked with the CAS Instructional designers in the CTT to develop Timely Tools for Student Success. Some of these strategies and tools undoubtedly affirm good practices you already engage in, but others may introduce you to teaching practices and Canvas functions that, once set up, can save you time and help your students stay on track.

The following items are things you can do before the term starts. Click on each item to learn why and how to do them and to see examples from our faculty.

  • Publish the course in Canvas a week before the first day of class
  • Welcome students and help them understand how the course will work
  • Provide students with an orientation to Canvas
  • Verify the course materials are available to students
  • Include ACE outcome(s) and signature assignments in the syllabus
  • Enable a Grading Scheme in Canvas
  • Make sure all assignments and quizzes have due dates

Additionally, the Teaching Academy Fellows are eager to better understand your experiences with teaching and learning. They will be sending you a survey at the beginning of the semester; please do take a few minutes to complete it when it comes out.

I appreciate the hard work you do and wish you a good semester. I am here to support instructors at all levels, and I look forward to working with you in the coming year.

Warm wishes,


Email 2: The start of the term

Subject: Time Tools for the First Few Weeks

Hi [First name],

Classes begin Monday, and while the liveliness that has returned to campus is invigorating, you might be feeling some nervousness, too. I have the privilege to work with some of the most experienced teachers in the college and they tell me they feel the same way. Maybe there is no way around it except to dive in. Here are a few more ideas for the first few weeks of the semester:

  • Set the stage for success
  • Check for gaps in prerequisite knowledge
  • Let students know where to find resources
  • Reserve proctored exams at the DLC
  • Introduce the first graded assignment
  • Complete the correction roster
  • Message students who...

If you haven’t yet had a chance to do so, please take 3 minutes to complete the Teaching Academy Fellow’s survey.

Warm wishes,


Email 3: Mid-Term

Subject Line: Timely Tools for Midterms

Dear [first name],

I’ve been hearing from a few people that students are more engaged this semester than last – this is encouraging news and I hope it is true for you as well. As we head into mid-terms, I wanted to underscore these four actions you can take at this time to support student learning:

  • Debrief first major summative assessment
  • Conduct a mid-term student feedback survey
  • Make sure grades are updated before pass/no pass deadline
  • Message Students Who…

As always, I am impressed daily by the dedication, wisdom, and care of our teaching faculty.

Warm wishes,


Email 4: End-of-Term