Use What-Why-How Prompts to Increase Assignment Clarity

Creating assignments that clearly convey what students should do, why the assignment is important, and how to complete it pays off in three key ways: 

  1. Fewer questions from students about what they should do and how they should do it
  2. Better-quality work demonstrating student learning and the achievement of desired outcomes.
  3. Helps instructors design assignments that are aligned with their learning goals. 

The format is as follows:

Here's what I want you to do: Instructor explains what the assignment is. 

Here's why I want you to do it: Instructor explains the rationale behind the assignment. Instructor explains why this assignment will contribute to the student's success in class and beyond. Consider referencing stated course outcomes and learning goals, as well as benefits in "real life."

Here's how to do it: Instructor explains how to do the assignment, providing detailed instructions, rubrics, checklists, and exemplars in order to help students clearly see and understand the expectations for the assignment.

Darby, F. (2019). Small teaching online: Applying learning science in online classes. Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Brand.